Out and About

Discovering Arts and Culture

For a totally unique Kiwi experience, immerse yourself in the local arts and culture.

New Zealand may be a young country, but the diverse wealth of Māori culture, performing arts, literature, museums and art galleries will  leave even the most fervent arts and culture buffs completely satisfied.

Our museums and galleries care for more than 40 million items relating to our history and contribute to our national identity. Generating  more than 1000 public exhibitions and publications and attracting over 8 million visits each year, museums and galleries are a top attraction  for overseas visitors.

New Zealand museums are actively focused on enriching their communities by enhancing the quality of their facilities, collections,  programmes, products and services. Museums play a pivotal role in the national heritage and education. There are also more than 460  museums around the country, many doubling as art galleries, ranging from specialist regional and private collections to the impressive National Museum Te Papa Tongarewa, in Wellington.

New Zealand artists and their works are receiving increasing recognition on the international stage. Galleries around New Zealand hold  exhibitions that feature the works of nationally and internationally acclaimed artists, as well as fresh, new talent.